Heroes on the Ground – Communities Respond to Flooding

Recent flooding in Minnesota and South Dakota has brought communities together in an extraordinary way. Community volunteers and partners have stepped up and joined forces with our Red Cross team to provide critical aid and support for those affected by this devastating disaster.

Red Cross volunteers Katie Kaz and Diane Dunder have been pivotal in the response efforts in Cook, Minnesota. They have been working closely with St. Louis County Public Health. Even a local farmer named Missy showed up at the onset of the flooding ready to help. She has since become a key figure in coordinating resources, including services for residents and donated items from the Lions Club and Red Cross cleanup kits.

Missy, Diane, Katie and Cheryl at the Cook Fire Hall, June 25, 2024. Photo credit: Owen Fifield, American Red Cross.

In one of the most touching moments, the group was seen looking at maps together to identify flooded areas and homes in need of assistance. Their dedication is evident as they strategize the best ways to help their community recover.

Acts of Gratitude
The spirit of gratitude is felt by many of the people affected by the floods. One family, immensely thankful for the support they received, made an oversized thank you card and gave it to our volunteers and partners at the Cook Fire Hall. This thoughtful gesture underscores the profound impact the Red Cross and our partners are making in these communities.

Missy, Cheryl and Katie at the Cook Fire Hall. Photo credit: Owen Fifield, American Red Cross.

Behind the Scenes
Dave Snetsinger, the assistant director of operations for this Red Cross response, is working tirelessly from his temporary office in the Cook Fire Hall. Dave has been coordinating efforts to ensure that every community gets the help it needs. From organizing emergency relief supplies to managing volunteer deployments, his work is crucial in this relief effort.

Dave Snetsinger, City of Cook, June 25, 2024. Photo credit: Owen Fifield, American Red Cross.

Community Support
The Red Cross cannot do this alone. Multiple local organizations have come together to help. The Cook Fire Department for example, made its fire hall available for distribution of relief supplies. The Salvation Army has made sure people have meals and other relief essentials. Trinity Lutheran Church, the Lion’s Club, St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services Department, St. Louis County Emergency Management, Minnesota HSEM and the United Way of Northeastern Minnesota, have all contributed to the relief efforts.

How You Can Help
We need your help to continue supporting those affected by the flooding:

Many people have expressed a desire to volunteer, and we are incredibly grateful for your offers. Currently, our trained Red Cross volunteers are handling the immediate response. However, you can still help by becoming a trained volunteer as we are experiencing more frequent and intense disasters. To learn more, visit RedCross.org/GiveTime.

Please click, text or call to support Red Cross Disaster Relief and help people affected by disasters like floods, fires and countless other crises. Your gift enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from disasters big and small. Visit RedCross.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Your contributions will help us provide essential resources to those in need.

Visit redcross.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to
make a $10 donation.

Donate Blood
Floods often lead to the cancellation of blood drives, impacting the nation’s blood supply. If you are in an area not affected by the disaster, please consider donating blood. To make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Thank you!
The Red Cross remains committed to helping families and communities recover from this disaster. We are in constant contact with local officials to evaluate the needs of residents and coordinate additional resources.

By coming together, we can help those affected by the flooding rebuild their lives and communities. Thank you for your support.

If You Need Help
Please visit redcross.org/mndaks and click “Get Help,” or you can call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Author: American Red Cross

The American Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Our Red Cross region serves more than 7.3 million people across Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

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